The catastrophes that hard water can do on so many things are often discussed. From hair to shower fixtures, hard water can wreak havoc. A proactive approach to protecting your home from hard water damage is the first step in your making sure your bathroom fixtures, pipes, and other assets have long lives. Here are some tips on how to protect your bathroom from hard water damage. What Is Hard Water
Hard water is water that has a high concentration of dissolved minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. As ground water passes through soil and rocks, the water can pick up these minerals, and become dissolved in the water. The hardness of water is measured in grains per gallon (GPG) or by parts per million (ppm). If the water has more than 17.1 ppm or 1 GPG, it is considered to be hard water. 85% of the water in the United States is considered hard.
Since the majority of the water in the US is hard water, most people are affected. Here ae some tips to protect your bathroom from hard water.
- Don’t let hard water dry on surfaces
- Use a spray cleaner on shower doors
- Use Mineral-Fighting Solutions
- Purchase a water softener
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